Kenny Ames


Kenny Ames is the Director of Outreach at Fireside21. He started his career by working for Representatives Steny Hoyer and then Barney Frank. After leaving the Hill, he joined Capitol Advantage and CQ Roll Call as director of client relationships. A native of Massachusetts, his interest in government brought him to Washington, D.C., to attend The George Washington University.

An expert in communicating with Congress, Kenny graduated summa cum laude from the Johns Hopkins University with a masters degree in government and concentration in political communications. His thesis titled, “Social Media #FTW!: The Influence of Social Media on American Politics” passed with honors and won the William F. Clinger Jr. Award for outstanding thesis in institutional or representative government. With his experience and knowledge of Capitol Hill, Kenny works with staffers on maximizing their constituent outreach and advises clients on best practices in effective messaging and constituent management software.

Kenny joined the board of AGRP after serving as chair of the Young Leadership Network, AGRP’s young professionals committee. He also serves as president of the US Senate Toastmasters Club. An avid runner, he is a member of the DC Road Runners Club and the 50 State Marathon Club. He lives in the Brookland neighborhood of D.C. with his fiancé, Laura, and their dog, Sammy, a Springer Spaniel.